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A Beginning of Healing

By Bridget Brewster
Posted: 02/03/2025
Tags: la fires


I’ve learned a lesson or two in this thing we’re calling the Eaton Canyon Fire Disaster: what not to say to someone in the very first few days after a disaster, what not to expect from those who are going through unbelievable loss.  And I’m learning, ever so slowly, how to respond to the many, many people who want to help.

Many of my friends could feel my pain, but felt helpless in knowing what to do. Once I could begin to think (that may be a bit of exaggeration), I knew exactly how they could help me in a very tangible and immediate way.  Then I responded to their offers of help.

Don’t get too excited because it may seem truly trivial in light of having lost everything I owned and held dear.  Among the personal losses . . . wait for it . . . earrings!  That’s right, clip-on earrings.  I had a collection to rival any retail store . . . almost every pair given to be by friends over decades.  What better way to recover this piece of my life than to ask new friends I’ve met since moving to California 11 years ago to gift me earrings?  

The fun began!  Each woman went searching through her personal collection, vintage shops, local artisans and even neighbors and family members.  We all realized this was a fun way to help me heal, and it gave all of us a chance to share stories over lunch and wine about where the earrings came from while at the same time, giving me space to cry and laugh  . . . to heal just a tiny bit.

I’m now in possession of a vast collection of earrings (not to mention necklaces, bracelets and scarves) selected and given by dear friends.  This is my deeply personal way of beginning to heal . . . a seemingly trivial step that I could not have imagined would have been so significant.  I will treasure these gifts for as long as I have them.

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