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Election issues and black lives

By Blog Master
Posted: 10/30/2020

- Dick Myers - 

With our next meeting scheduled to be on Friday November 6, 2020 there is quite likely to be a lot of new material from November 3, 4, and 5 that will be on people's minds. I'm sure we will have some discussion about that or those things.

I did come across another article that I found interesting and suggest as supplemental reading material in case we tire Barbie discussion about current events.


This is a provocative article with a lot of material that is very interesting and relevant to the 1619 discussion. I do not know this writer, Saidiya Hartman, , but her Work seems to contribute a lot of ideas were the of discussion.  Her latest book is “wayward lives. “

This article from the New Yorker magazine left me with three ideas that I found particularly interesting. There are many more ideas in the article, but these three hang in my mind.

  • has slavery ever really ended? The discrimination and exploitation that characterized it has continued through our society to the present day.
  • “Is this where you’re staying? A question that asks where someone lives without conveying any sense of permanency, ownership, or belonging.
  • Water has a memory. A river watch to return to where it used to flow. A writer has some of the same qualities in seeking out history’s and emotional memories

Join us for what has the potential to be a very lively and spirited discussion .


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