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Transportation at the Pasadena Village

A Look at Proposition 19

Behind the Scenes: Understanding the Pasadena Village Board and Its Role

Beyond and Within the Village: The Power of One

Celebrating Black Voices

Creatively Supporting Our Village Community

Decluttering: More Than The Name Implies

Hidden Gems of Forest Lawn Museum

LA River Walk

Message from the President

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1619 Conversations with West African Art

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Status - Feb 20, 2025

Bluebird by Charles Bukowski

Dreams by Langston Hughes

Haiku - Four by Fritzie

Haikus - Nine by Virginia

Wind and Fire

Partnerships Amplify Relief Efforts

Another Community Giving Back

Diary of Disaster Response

Eaton Fire: A Community United in Loss and Recovery

Healing Powers of Creative Energy

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Message from the President: Honoring Black History Month

Surviving and Thriving: Elder Health Considerations After the Fires

Treasure Hunting in The Ashes

Villager's Stories

A Beginning of Healing

Hectic Evacuation From Eaton Canyon Fire

Hurricanes and Fires are Different Monsters

January 2025

Phishing Scams: What You Need to Know

By Bridget Brewster
Posted: 11/22/2024
Tags: bridget brewster, newsletter december 2024

Co-written with Bruce Christensen.

We are all vulnerable to plausible schemes.  Yes, even you.  While it’s embarrassing to admit, from time to time we fall prey to false claims.  If it was only a matter of personal humiliation, we can get over it, but when it results in serious breaches of personal information (which has happened to friends you know, even Villagers) that can lead to catastrophic ends, it’s time to educate ourselves.  “Forewarned is forearmed” is an applicable phrase in this instance.


As defined by the Federal Trade Commission, “Scammers use email or text messages to try to steal your passwords, account numbers, or Social Security numbers. If they get that information, they could get access to your email, bank, or other accounts. Or they could sell your information to other scammers. Scammers launch thousands of phishing attacks like these every day — and they’re often successful.”


Scammers use various methods to get us to take the bait. Here’s a few ways they very convincingly reel us in (from the Federal Trade Commission):


Sometimes a Phishing email or text will weave a story that may come from a trusted company. The message will likely imply:


- suspicious activity or log-in attempts have been made — they haven’t

- suggest there’s problem with your account/payment information — there isn’t

- asking you to confirm some personal or financial information — you don’t

- include an invoice you don’t recognize — it’s fake

- notify you that you’re eligible to register for a government refund — it’s a scam

- offer a coupon for free stuff — it’s not real


Let’s face it, we all learned at some time that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.  Listen to that voice.  A good rule of thumb might be if your gut reaction is one of doubt, call the company mentioned to verify . . . DO NOT RESPOND TO THE MESSAGE!  Some of us don’t always heed this message. Bridget Brewster said, “I for one, who adamantly preaches the message of doubt about questionable requests, fell for one.  I received a text from a friend who pleaded her case for needing to borrow $100 asap while away from home.  Now, I did hesitate a bit because it was out of character for her, but why should I question a friend in need?  I sent it.  I will never see that $100 because it was not my friend who requested it.  Those sneaky snakes got me!”

The Federal Trade Commission lists 4 Key Steps to protect yourself from phishing scams:


1. Protect your computer by using security software. Set the software to update automatically so it will deal with any new security threats.

2. Protect your cell phone by setting software to update automatically. These updates could give you critical protection against security threats.

3. Protect your accounts by using multi-factor authentication. Some accounts offer extra security by requiring two or more credentials to log in to your account.

4. Protect your data by backing it up. Back up the data on your computer to an external hard drive or in the cloud. Back up the data on your phone, too.


No one wants to face the consequences of being duped, but there are worse things that can happen.  Embarrassment is to be expected, but you can deal with that.  More importantly, sharing your experience can help others avoid going through a similar experience. 

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