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March 2025

February 2025

Commemorating Black History Month 2025

Transportation at the Pasadena Village

A Look at Proposition 19

Behind the Scenes: Understanding the Pasadena Village Board and Its Role

Beyond and Within the Village: The Power of One

Celebrating Black Voices

Creatively Supporting Our Village Community

Decluttering: More Than The Name Implies

Hidden Gems of Forest Lawn Museum

LA River Walk

Message from the President

Phoenix Rising

1619 Conversations with West African Art

The Party Line

Status - Feb 20, 2025

Bluebird by Charles Bukowski

Dreams by Langston Hughes

Haiku - Four by Fritzie

Haikus - Nine by Virginia

Wind and Fire

Partnerships Amplify Relief Efforts

Another Community Giving Back

Diary of Disaster Response

Eaton Fire: A Community United in Loss and Recovery

Healing Powers of Creative Energy

Living the Mission

Message from the President: Honoring Black History Month

Surviving and Thriving: Elder Health Considerations After the Fires

Treasure Hunting in The Ashes

Villager's Stories

A Beginning of Healing

Hectic Evacuation From Eaton Canyon Fire

Hurricanes and Fires are Different Monsters

January 2025

Nathan Wolford – From Tragedy to Ministry

By Edward A. Rinderle
Posted: 11/21/2024
Tags: staff, ed rinderle, newsletter december 2024

A few short weeks ago, Nathan Wolford filled in a gap on the Pasadena Village staff by taking on the role of Village and Volunteer Coordinator.  We at the Village welcome you, Nathan!

Nathan's story begins with his early years back in Fremont Michigan, a town near Grand Rapids.  The family had purchased a plot of land in the Fremont area from the US government 160 years ago.  The deed bears the signature of President James Buchanan. Most of the family has lived in and around the area ever since.  In fact, Nathan's 88-year-old grandmother still has a home on that plot of land.

All of Nathan's father's side of the family, including his sister Emily and his seven-year-old niece Stella, still live in Michigan.  Nathan's mom is the outlier; she lives in Seattle, Washington.

Tragedy entered Nathan's life a few years back when he was working with the Department of Public Works in Michigan.  He was loading timber into the back of a truck when a car crashed into him from behind.  As a result, he lost both of his legs.  He spent a month in the hospital, another month in rehab, and two years getting used to his prosthetics.  He remembers fondly the help he received from the Hanger Clinic, where he met many others suffering from various stages of the same kinds of losses.

Soon after, Nathan attended Cornerstone College in Grand Rapids and earned a Bachelor's Degree in Ministry.  Around this time, he met Erin, his wife to-be.  He and Erin searched for a place to continue his education, and they eventually chose Fuller Seminary here in Pasadena.  They were married in Grand Rapids in August of this year, and moved to Pasadena about three weeks later.  He is currently pursuing a Master's Degree.   

Upon arrival in Pasadena, Nathan began searching for a job.  He found Pasadena Village on the internet and looked over the website.  He decided to seek a job here with us, because of our “unique service that provided a variety of social connections for older people who were not yet ready for assisted living.”

In his two months with us so far, Nathan has attended quite a few of the Village's activities, including the Village Connections meetings at Washington Park Center, the Vintage Celebration, the New Members Orientation, and the ice cream socials.  He enjoyed all these events, which provided opportunities for him to meet more and more of Villagers. 

When taking time out from work and school, Nathan enjoys kayaking and watching movies either in the theater or at home.  He is a big soccer fan and watches soccer matches whenever he gets a chance.

Rising from tragedy, Nathan has recovered remarkably.  He gets around well, and his attitude is upbeat and cheerful.  He talks freely about his accident and recovery with anyone who asks.  He plans to devote himself to work as a chaplain at either a hospital or in a hospice program.  In those roles, his positive attitude and willingness to share his experiences will be a blessing to many. 

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