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Addressing The Needs of Older Adults Through Pasadena Village

By Edward A. Rinderle
Posted: 03/25/2024
Tags: ed rinderle

Last fall, the leadership of Pasadena Village conducted an anonymous survey of its members. The Village uses this survey to collect feedback so that its activities represent the Villagers’ needs. Executive Director Katie Brandon elaborates: “The purpose of the survey is to gather demographic information, to learn more about the needs and interests of our members, and to receive feedback on their experiences as Villagers. Answers to the survey's questions were compiled and used in the aggregate to inform our membership recruitment process, plan for the future and report to the funding organizations.”

Of the 173 Village members as of December 2023, slightly over 50% responded to all or part of the survey, and 45% expressed concern about continuing to live independently.  Many of these concerns had to do with mental and/or physical health. For example, several members flagged failing eyesight or losing their ability to drive or to maintain their home. Some worried about having someone to call on for help: “I live alone and sometimes worry that if something were to happen to me, there is no one to notice my absence on a daily basis; thus I don't know how or when I would be discovered.”

Other Villagers expressed their concern over acting as caregivers: “I am a caregiver spouse. My husband continues to need more and more support to deal with his health problems. The impact on me is great – chronic exhaustion. We are actively working on assessing options for future plans.”

The survey went on to solicit opinions about educational opportunities. Responses included dealing with arthritis, dementia, loneliness and aging in place as top priorities. 

Participants also addressed the value of the Village. Frequent themes among the responses were connections, community and the diversity of activities. For example, “I value the opportunity to meet new people and make genuine connections with them. I value learning from other members. I value having purpose and meaning in my life.”  Another Villager responded, “I value the assortment of educational and social activities offered by the Village. I love the way people go about volunteering with a joyful heart.”  Still another response: “I moved here at 70 and except for my family, I knew no one and was very isolated and lonely. Discovering the Village has changed all that!”

A repeating theme of the various responses can be summed up very simply: The Village provides myriad physical, educational, personal and philosophical opportunities for building relationships that are life-changing. The many opportunities stem largely from the member-driven nature of the Village. As individuals put forth ideas, other members can take up the baton, and new opportunities can arise. The Village's emphasis on diversity and inclusion also plays a vital role by providing different viewpoints into the ever-expanding array of offerings.

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