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March 2025

February 2025

Commemorating Black History Month 2025

Transportation at the Pasadena Village

A Look at Proposition 19

Behind the Scenes: Understanding the Pasadena Village Board and Its Role

Beyond and Within the Village: The Power of One

Celebrating Black Voices

Creatively Supporting Our Village Community

Decluttering: More Than The Name Implies

Hidden Gems of Forest Lawn Museum

LA River Walk

Message from the President

Phoenix Rising

1619 Conversations with West African Art

The Party Line

Status - Feb 20, 2025

Bluebird by Charles Bukowski

Dreams by Langston Hughes

Haiku - Four by Fritzie

Haikus - Nine by Virginia

Wind and Fire

Partnerships Amplify Relief Efforts

Another Community Giving Back

Diary of Disaster Response

Eaton Fire: A Community United in Loss and Recovery

Healing Powers of Creative Energy

Living the Mission

Message from the President: Honoring Black History Month

Surviving and Thriving: Elder Health Considerations After the Fires

Treasure Hunting in The Ashes

Villager's Stories

A Beginning of Healing

Hectic Evacuation From Eaton Canyon Fire

Hurricanes and Fires are Different Monsters

January 2025

SCOTUS Nomination Due to Affirmative Action?

By Blog Master
Posted: 02/08/2022

Notes by Sharon Jarrett

The meeting began with a question posed by Dick Myers about how the participants felt about the nomination of an African American woman to the Supreme Court.

The first comment related to several recent comments in the media that the appointment of an African American woman essentially made the position an affirmation action appointment. The participant was upset at this comment indicating that in their opinion the court should reflect the population of the the Nation.

The composition of the court should reflect the demographics of the country in their view. The participant was also upset at the comments that nominees should not be graduates of Ivy League institutions as there was an over representation of those educated at Ivy League institutions currently on the court. If there is an African American woman well qualified to serve and who was educated at an Ivy League institution the speaker believed they should be disqualified from consideration.

It was noted that half of the population are persons of color and that should be considered in recommendations. This participant noted that religion should not be a consideration. Leave religion at Church was the thought expressed.

It was noted that the underpinnings of affirmative action have always been with the Nation. It has taken different forms over the years.

There was a brief discussion of the information in the book "How the Word is Passed" and it's relationship to the topics being addressed.

The participants reviewed the requirements to be considered for an appointment to the Supreme Court and discovered the constitution does not specify requirements. A law degree is not required, there is no age limit established. Essentially mutual consent of the legislative and executive branches are what is required. It was noted that the founders believed good government depended on an educated public expressing their opinions in good faith.

This led to a broad discussion about the declining literacy rate and the seeming loss of critical thinking ability, as well as, the influence of social media. It was suggested that finances also drive the thinking of citizens in that employment is valued and a factor in decision making. A question was raised about what a individual could do to influence the appointment of a Supreme Court justice. Using social media was noted, as well as, writing to members of Congress.

This led to a brief discussion of the need for Civics instruction. After which the discussion returned to ways to influence the selection process.

The participants next discussed youth activism, particularly focused on local elections. One participant noted that in their community young activists were trying to ensure local elected positions were filled by people who reflected the composition of the community and the ideas of community members.

The next meeting will be February 18th at 12:00 NOON and will feature a guest speaker, Melissa Daniel will discuss her upcoming novel "The Warwick Will".

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