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There are so many ways to get involved with the Pasadena Village! Our Committees and Small Group Gatherings provide opportunities to make new friends while honing your leadership abilities. Below you will find numerous ways you can help run the Village. If you're not into leading, join an Small Group Gatherings already started with others who share your interests.


Development Committee: Promotes the Village within the professional and business community in the Pasadena area to increase awareness and support of the Village; organizes fundraisers and annual appeals, solicits individual donors and pursues grant and foundation funding.

Executive Committee: Consists of the Board Officers; performs necessary work between Board Meetings and serves as a resource to the Executive Director.

Finance Committee: Develops the annual budget, monitors cash flow, and seeks to assure the financial health of the organization. Oversees the investments of the organization and ensures that restrictions on funds are recognized.

Governance Committee: Solicits and submits nominations to the full board to fill board vacancies, identifies specific needs of board membership, recommends criteria to evaluate directors continuing on the board.



Organized and led by Villagers for small groups of Villagers to come together around a common interest such as bird watching, book club, bridge group, hiking group, walking groups, writing group, Men’s time, Women’s support groups, ping pong group, discussion groups, sketching group, etc. Learn About Our Small Group Gatherings and how to start one or join one.



Cultural Activities Team: Plans cultural and intellectual events and activities, including Member Connections programs, Creative Connections programs, museum tours, theater outings, concerts, Villagers’ art exhibits at the Village office, screenings of films, lectures on art and local history, creative gatherings for Villagers, holiday celebrations and dine-out gatherings.

Editorial Team: Pasadena Village Newsletter informs Villagers and the greater community about Village programming and initiatives. The newsletter, Voice of the Village, is a key communication tool for learning about Village events and news relating to aging in the greater Pasadena area. Articles are posted once a month (except July/August) and emailed to those who subscribe.

Educational Programs Team: Arranges presentations by community professionals and experts addressing a wide range of subjects that would be of use or interest to older adults. The topics include legal, medical, and financial issues, as well as lifestyle, well-being, and other just plain interesting things suggested by Villagers.

Village Care Team: From time to time, Villagers may need assistance beyond practical tasks, for themself, for another Village member, or for someone for whom they are caretaking. This team is a group of Villagers charged with following up with them by telephone or in person. Most problems, such as social isolation, can be addressed with existing Village programs and activities, but others may be more complex, especially if they involve challenges to independent living, such as temporary health issues requiring hospitalization or special in-home services. They may also include more long-term issues such as new physical limitations, declining mental acuity, or loss of a partner. The Village Care Team endeavors to work with Villagers to help them find a solution. When issues seem significant to several Villagers, the team may also sponsor educational programs, discussion groups, and support groups.

Villager Engagement Team (formerly Membership Committee): The goal of the Villager Engagement Team is to ensure that all new Villagers are welcomed and connected to the vibrant life of the Pasadena Village. During the first several months, the Villager Engagement Team will coordinate and host a variety of introductory events and programs, including Meet Me at the Village, Welcome Lemonade,  New Member Orientation, and one-to-one connections.

Volunteer Team: Recruits, trains, and recognizes Village and non-Villagers for volunteer positions within the Village that require registration or vetting. Coordinates the annual Volunteer Recognition event and organizes new projects requiring volunteers.


Pasadena Village, 236 W. Mountain Street, #104, Pasadena, California 91103
626-765-6037 •