Pasadena Village is committed to helping older adults age in place. As a community of seniors from the greater Pasadena area, we offer opportunities for learning, personal development, creative activity, and social engagement. We help one another or call on volunteers to assist with small tasks like grocery shopping, household chores, technology and transportation to medical facilities.
HOW TO JOINFill out a Membership Application Online or download a Membership Application PDF and return it to the Village office. Contact us at 626-765-6037 or for more information. WE WORK TOGETHEROur offerings are determined by Villagers’ needs. Our Villagers run small group gatherings such as discussions, seminars and walking and hiking groups. Our Committees and Teams plan cultural activities, social activities, educational programs and support groups for a wide range of needs. While helping to run our organization, these committees, teams, and small group gatherings offer opportunities for leadership and making new friends. Learn about our Support For Villagers here. |
VOLUNTEERSMany of our Villager services are provided by dedicated, pre-screened volunteers. Volunteers can be Villagers or community people. Our ability to fulfill Villager service requests depends upon volunteer availability. In the event that a volunteer is not available or qualified to provide the requested service, we will refer the member to outside service providers. Learn about our Volunteer Program here.
THE INTANGIBLESMany of the benefits of membership are intangible – more things to do, broadening your world, making new friends walking the same path as you and having a secure sense of community. Some advantages are concrete – getting a ride, having a meal delivered, having someone fix a leaky faucet or change light bulbs, go out to dinner, attend an educational or cultural program, go hiking, play ping pong, write your memoir. |
MEMBERSHIP FEESMembership fees are a crucial part of Pasadena Village's support but fund less than 30% of our mission and programs. Additional funding is generated from individual donations, foundations and corporate support. Membership Annual FeesIndividual / Household Tier A: $680 / $960 Tier B: $360 / $480 Tier C: $120 / $180 Tiers Are Based on Income Tier A: Over $55,000+ individual; Tier B: $33,000-$55,000 individual; $40,500-$67,000 household Tier C: Less than $33,000+ individual; Learn more about the Fee Structure here.
Fill out a Membership Application Online or
Download a Membership Application PDF
and return it to the Village Office.
Call 626-765-6037 for more information.
We understand at this point you may not be sure about whether to join.
We have some thoughts about that. See some of our ideas about Not Ready To Join.
Pasadena Village, 236 W. Mountain Street, #104, Pasadena, California 91103
626-765-6037 •